Monday, January 28, 2019

Welcome to my blog

Reflections of a Patriotic Southern Cameroonian
Welcome to Freedom Route Ambazonia, by an Ambazonian, for Ambazonians and all passionate about the restoration of the Independence of Southern Cameroons from the Dictatorial regime of the  Republic of Cameroon. Filled with unique and engaging content, through this platform, I will explore the history of Southern Cameroon,  the present struggle to restore its independence and the future of Ambazonia.  
I aim, through this platform, to enlighten the lay ambazonian, the politically active ones (Like myself) or watching from the sideline,  to encourage and uplift our joint  passion for  independence and freedom from maginalisation and repression by Biya's stale Regime. We are Southern Cameroonians, We are Ambazonians.
"When Injustice Becomes The Law, Resistance Becomes a Duty"